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    Proiectul TEX4.0 este o inițiativă cofinanțată de programul Erasmus+ al Uniunii Europene, care își propune să ofere formatorilor VET din domeniul textilelor și cursanților VET cunoștințele și instrumentele necesare privind competențele legate de Industria 4.0 printr-un pachet de formare inovator.

    Ne-am dori să vă cunoaștem părerea, astfel încât să putem înțelege mai bine competențele necesare în sectorul textil și astfel să dezvoltăm instrumente de formare care să se potrivească nevoilor dumneavoastră reale actuale.

    Dureaza doar 3 minute sa raspundeti la acest sondaj, iar parerea dumneavoastra este foarte importanta pentru noi pentru buna desfasurare a proiectului.


    Chestionar pentru cursanti VET


    Chestionar pentru formatori VET



    Va multumim pentur colaborare!!!!




  • The TEX4.0 project is an initiative co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, that aims to provide textile VET trainers and VET learners with the necessary knowledge and tools on Industry 4.0-related skills through an innovative training package. The project has officially started, and we have launched our first newsletter where you will find all the information about its initial steps.




    Erasmus+ Project No. 22019-1-MT01-KA203-051265

    An Innovative Higher Education Institution Training Toolbox to EffeCtively AddRess the EUropean InduStry 4.0 Skills Gap and Mismatches – ICARUS

    Project ICARUS brings together a number of experts and leaders in Industry 4.0 from European Higher Education Institutions and lead by the University of Malta to collaborate together to develop specific training content and support HEI trainers and learners.
    It is a known fact that the world of work is increasingly becoming digitialised, this is evident from what has been termed the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Technology is developing at such a fast pace that even HEI educators are finding difficulties to catch up and keep abreast of the latest technologies. This problem of EU educators needing to urgently catch up with Industry 4.0 technologies is even highlighted by the EU Commision, and World Economic Forum. This implies that educators will not be in an effective position to pass on knowledge to their students who are the workers of future generations. At the same time past generations of students who graduated a few years back find themselves in a position where they do not have the required knowledge to implement Industry 4.0 technologies that had not been developed or thought at the time.
    This situation implies that there is an urgent need for HEI trainers and learners to be given the chance to catch up with Industry 4.0 technologies such as:
        Artificial Intelligence
        Blockchain in Industry
        Industrial Internet of Things
        3D Printing
        Virtual and Augmented Reality
        Collaborative Robotics
        Industrial Networking
        Big Data Analysis
        Drones in manufacturing industry

    The aim of the ICARUS KA2 Erasmus+ project is to develop an open and digital training toolbox which can be utilised by trainers in Higher Education Institutions to educate both current and previous generations of learners in Industry 4.0 technologies.

    Project Output
    A Training Toolbox To effectively address European Industry 4.0 skills gap and mismatches

    Target Groups
    This project is aimed at supporting Trainers and Learners from Higher Education Institutions

    The ICARUS project is a partnership between 5 European Universities in Malta, Sweden, Portugal, Romania and Italy and is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

    University of Malta (Malta)
    The University of Malta is the Project Coordinator, and will provide expertise in the fields of Digital Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and Knowledge Management.

    University of Minho (Portugal)
    The Universidade Do Minho will provide expertise in Cyber Physical Production Systems (CPPS) and Social Networked pedagogical based approaches.

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
    The KTH will be supporting the ICARUS Project by providing their expertise in Robotics, Smart Production and Industry 4.0 Business Models.

    Free University of Bolzano (Italy)
    The partners from the Free University of Bolzano are experts in Industry 4.0, Smart Production Systems and Robotics.

    Politehnica University of Bucharest (Romania)
    UPB-CAMIS research center provides Experts in AR/VR technologies, 3D Printing, Industry 4.0, development of drones and e-learning environments.

    For more information, please visit the digi4HEALTH project website here.


    Erasmus+ Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080164 

    Connecting ICT solutions with circular food to lay a path for sustainability (CE4FOOD)



    New CE4Food European Project fosters food waste awareness within the scope of Circular Economy




    This new European transnational project started on the first of November 2020 and will be carried out over the upcoming 24 months. It is being developed by experienced partners from Lithuania, Greece, Romania, Scotland and Spain.




    The CE4Food project, aimed at the hospitality industry, is co-funded by the European Union and is aligned with the EU’s plan for a Circular Economy. It intends to fill a gap detected in food waste management practices, promoting global awareness and fostering a Circular Economy mindset within the food sector and its different and diverse stakeholders.




    Food and how it is consumed goes beyond cultural values and behaviours. It has a significant impact on the environment. Currently, food waste is responsible for an estimated 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Every year, about 88 million tonnes of food are wasted across Europe, at a cost of €143 billion. 70 percent of global waste comes from food service, retail, and households. Kitchen staff, therefore, may certainly become key in the process of waste minimization.




    CE4Food will produce and develop an e-Platform with extensive resources on food waste management for VET educators, a digitally interactive food waste canvas and simulator tools, which VET providers may utilise with students in the workplace, as well as storytelling-based case studies in Augmented Reality (AR) as examples of good food waste management practices.




    Stay tuned and make sure to follow our progress on Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram.



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    For more information, please visit the CE4FOOD website.


    Erasmus+ Project No. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000033007


    EuropeAn 3d printinG poLymer opErators (EAGLE)


    The development of a brand-new AM Polymer Operator harmonized curriculum aligned with industry and constantly updated on a regular basis, is a priority in current times. The EAGLE project will tackle the adversities previously identified with the development of a brand-new harmonized training curriculum for AM Polymer Operators.

    The EU Additive manufacturing industry is increasingly expanding, resulting in the creation of new positions that necessitate the acquisition of new skills and qualifications. For the next 24 months the primary goals of the EAGLE project are to develop novel curricula, course training materials, and an e-platform centered on the idea of innovative learning and unified standard creation. These resources will provide adults with a benchmark measure, and they will be free and available to the public. The project aim is also closely tied to the betterment of the skills mismatch and is addresses the creation of a wide standard of qualification from which will in the end benefit the industrial labor market.

    The project expects a powerful impact on the applicants, participating organisations, target groups and other relevant stakeholders. The partners will work hard to ensure that EAGLE project activities and results lead to a significant increase in the number of VET graduates with suitable 3D printing skills and knowledge that enter the job market, thus supporting the European economic growth and contributing to a better society. Impact on the participants: - increased knowledge on 3D printing technology - acquisition of 3D printing skills and knowledge relevant for the European job market needs - improved multicultural and communication skills.

    Observing, shadowing and discussing work with colleagues will represent the most important measure for transfer and acquisition of knowledge.

    The project will be implemented in the Czech Republic, Romania, Belgium and Hungary.

    You can visit ewf.be for more information.



    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Erasmus+: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000033007