euWELD Results

Created: Friday, 28 October 2016 Last Updated: Thursday, 03 January 2019 Published: Friday, 28 October 2016

In summary, eu-WELD will deliver the following results (R) that are collectively novel in training welding stakeholders:

The eu-WELD competence profile.
The profile is fully structured according to ECVET guidelines and described in the paper "eu-WELD-European Expert in Welding Technologies". The profile will describes key activities (units of competence) and for each activity skills and knowledge needed. A set of ECVET points is allocated to each unit in order to allow recognition and transfer in other existing official qualifications and comparison with similar profiles in different countries.

The e-learning course "eu-WELD - European Expert in Welding Technologies" based on the master manuscripts part I & II for eu-WELD training (the course is also available at the Learning and Management system at ).

Methodologies for validation and assessment:

 Augmented reality applications and experience


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