Circular Economy

Circular Economy is a new hot and important concept. If you want to learn more, please join our free courses here. Think Circular, think Green!

Welding technologies

Free vocational training course on Welding Technologies available at our Learning Management System.  

Augmented Reality


Want to use Augmented Reality in your activity? We have the perfect FREE course for you! Available in English, Romanian, Icelandic and Lithuanian languages. 

3D Printing

If you need to learn more about 3D printing technologies, you can register for our free 3DPrinting courses.

  • digi4H
  • SEE4.0
  • TEX4.0

EEA Project No. EY-COP-001

Global Digital Manufacturing Industry 4.0 - Joint Curriculum and Research (MAGIC)

In order to embrace IND4.0 working environments in a company, the training and qualifications of its skilled workers must be adapted to meet the new requirements of this

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Erasmus+ Project No. 2019-1-MT01-KA202-051203 funded by EUPA Malta

A digital VET toolkit for promoting the 4th Industrial Revolution in the European health sector


The main aim of this Project called digi4HEALTH (A Digital VET Toolkit for Promoting the 4th Industrial

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Erasmus+ Project No. 22019-1-MT01-KA203-051265

An Innovative Higher Education Institution Training Toolbox to EffeCtively AddRess the EUropean InduStry 4.0 Skills Gap and Mismatches – ICARUS

Project ICARUS brings together a number of experts and leaders in Industry 4.0 from European Higher Education Institutions

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Erasmus+ Project No. 2019-1-PL01-KA202-064936

SEE4.0 – Enabling Industry 4.0 in Small European Enterprises

Main objectives:
The main objective of SEE 4.0 project is to strengthen Industry 4.0 – related key competences of SMEs owners and managers through developing innovative training materials purposely designed to

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Erasmus+ Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080164

Connecting ICT solutions with circular food to lay a path for sustainability (CE4FOOD)

New CE4Food European Project fosters food waste awareness within the scope of Circular Economy

This new European transnational project started on the first of November 2020 and

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Erasmus+ Project No. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000033007

EuropeAn 3d printinG poLymer opErators (EAGLE)

The development of a brand-new AM Polymer Operator harmonized curriculum aligned with industry and constantly updated on a regular basis, is a priority in current times. The EAGLE project will tackle the

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Erasmus Project No. 2021-1-MT01-KA220-VET-000025011

Virtual & Augmented Reality Trainers Toolbox to foster Low Carbon Tourism & Related Entrepreneurship

7 European partners working together to foster Low Carbon Tourism

The VINCI project thus aims to foster a shift towards low carbon tourism (LCT)

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Erasmus Project No. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-ADU-000026532

A Modular VR & AR Based Educational Toolkit To Help EU Adults Foster Climate Neutral Practices

The VITAL project is motivated by the EU's Green Deal Action Plan and the exploitation of two Erasmus+ priorities – the fight against climate change combined with digital transformation in this case in the adult education sector. Various studies, statistics and surveys show that the rate of natural resource extraction is rapidly growing and our planet and the home of mankind

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Erasmus+ Project No. 2023-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000154009

Enabling Industry 4.0 Skills in Textile SMEs (TEX4.0)

TEX4.0, the project to enable Industry 4.0 Skills in Textile SMEs

The TEX4.0 project a ims to provide VET learners, including the current textile workforce and NEETs, with training and upskilling on Textile 4.0 – related technologies, in order to keep up with the rapid technological advances of the sector and to increase their employability opportunities.

This initiative is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and

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Erasmus Project No. 2024-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000246238

Building Opportunities for SMEs Sustainable Entrepreneurship with Artificial Intelligence in Industry 5.0

Transnational Initiative to enhance the use of Artificial Intelligence in Education and Business

The BOOST-AI project, funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ program, is a visionary initiative aiming to equip higher education students and small/ medium enterprises (SMEs) with technological and in line with sustainability skills that will allow them to thrive in the emerging Industry 5.0 landscape.
The project focuses on

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ARTE3DP project objectives

Objectives of the ARTE3DP project:

Taking into consideration the above aspects, the current proposal is a continuation and development of the ARTE project and aims to create a common structure, curriculum and content for the “Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D printing (3DP)” interdisciplinary teaching module aimed at Science/Engineering/Business Higher Education stakeholders.   As the ARTE project only dealt with Augmented Reality technologies, there is a trend now linking AR with 3D printing for better visualization of the final product (please see, for making 3D printing more feasible and more economical (only printing once, as the AR helps the final user foresee how the printed object will look like into the real environment, better visualization of the final product from a 3D perspective and from all angles as facilitated by the AR experience, etc.).

For this reason, the ARTE3DP project will:

  1. Develop a training framework to support students in acquiring entrepreneurial skills related to and exploiting AR and 3DP technology
  2. To develop an innovative interdisciplinary teaching module (AR & 3DP training material, course support, case studies, etc.)
  3. To further raise awareness on the new AR technologies and 3DP for prospective business entrepreneurs via case-studies & a number of dissemination activities.

The ARTE3DP project will involve as associated/silent partner the Asociatia Glasul Romilor Pro-Europa that will organize a training seminar in that area with minimum 15 roma participants (preferably with higher education studies or currently involved in tertiary education, with pre-existing minimal ICT knowledge) that will be trained in these novel technologies to boost their entrepreneurial skills.

ARTE3DP Partners

University Politehnica of Bucharest is the largest Technical University in Romania greatly contributing to the development of Higher Education. It has a vast range of expertise in CAD/CAM technologies for innovation and creativity in Technical Engineering, these concepts being taught to students for several years. CAD/CAM technologies constituted an integral part in the training process of a technical engineer. The academic and technical staffs of one of its centers - CAMIS has experience in CAD/CAM and ICT technologies concepts. The CAMIS centre has a vast experience with EU projects. CAMIS centre was involved in Longlife Learning projects with highly appreciated results by the target audiences and end-users, including in the area of AR such as “Joyful adult training using augmented reality”(JOYAR) GRU-12-P-LP-74-B-CZ, Grundtvig Partnerships, 2012-2014; “European SMEs in Computer Aided Industrial Design(euCAD)”, 142514-LLP-1-2008-1-RO-LEONARDO-LMP, Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Project - Development of Innovation, 277534 Euro, 2008-2010; “Transfer Of Best-Practice & Innovation in CAD for Logistics Stakeholders”(LOGICAD), 2012-1-ES1-LEO05-48228, Leonardo da Vinci Programme, Transfer of innovation (TOI), 2012-2014.

The University of Akureyri (UNAK) currently operates in three schools: School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Health Sciences and School of Business and Science. UNAK has emphasized on offering on-line and flexible learning and currently 46% of the students are distance learners through recordings and study material uploaded on a Moodle platform, video-conferencing together with on-campus work weeks. Of relevance to the ARTE3DP project is that UNAK’s future vision (Strategy 2012-2017) states that “The university is particularly keen to utilise the possibilities of phase structured and flexible courses, as well as of traditional on-campus courses, encouraging cooperation with knowledge centres which operate in rural areas and which are a source of innovation and entrepreneurship”. Furthermore, the strategy states that in order to grow as an educational community, UNAK plans to “-follow the latest developments in information technology and upgrade technical equipment for study and teaching; -Train and support teachers in order to improve their skills in educational studies, teaching techniques and syllabus creation, especially pertaining to phase structured and flexible studies in active cooperation with domestic and foreign specialists”.

ARTE3DP Contact Details

Project coordinator:


CAMIS Center

University Politehnica of Bucharest

IMST Faculty, room CE210-212, CK105

Splaiul Independentei 313

060042 Bucharest, Romania

Project manager: Prof. Catalin G. Amza

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+4 021 402 9541

ARTE3DP Results

Main project results

Leontina Gheorghe

5th year student, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila, member of "Glasul Romilor pro Europa" Association

"I have no idea about this technology, but I am sure it will help me a lot in the near future!"



 A1 - Joint ARTE3DP Curriculum

A3 - ARTE3DP e-learning Content based on A1 (available at

A5 - International seminar and consortium meeting in Iceland(11-16.10.2016)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

A6 - ARTE3DP International test pilot and Hands-on Workshop in Romania (24-27.11.2016)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

A7 - ARTE3DP training/dissemination seminar RO (September 2016)

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Please send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need a reliable partner in one of your RDI projects.

Our Vision

vision Our long term vision vision is that our research and innovation activities will contribute to solutions for some of nowadays industrial problems, leading to Industry 4.0 successfull worldwide implementation.


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Our location

our location

Our offices are located in  the center of Bucharest, Romania. Please click on the above link for more details.