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ECVET Profile for the European Expert in Energy Management




Around 80% of the energy consumed within the EU comes from fossil fuels. This leads to pollution and contributes to climate change. Making better and more rational use of energy and managing our energy use more efficiently has therefore become essential for the sustainable development of our society. Standardization of occupations working in the field can contribute to this objective by making personnel working in this area more professionalized and effective.

The European Expert in Energy Management (EXEM) plans, regulates and monitors energy use in an organization or facility. His/her aim is to improve energy efficiency by evaluating energy use and implementing new policies and changes where necessary. EXEMs coordinate all aspects of energy management, from energy efficiency and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions to waste management and sustainable development.

This project wants to promote use of the ECVET system by applying it to the occupation of the European Expert in Energy Management EXEM. To reach this goal, the project will produce:
1. A competence profile of the European EXEM structured according to ECVET guidelines
2. The curriculum of a training course for training EXEMs.
3. The Expertise Checkup, a procedure for the recognition of competence of people working as EXEM. The procedure will allow assessment, transfer, validation and accumulation of learning outcomes (under the form of ECVET points) achieved in formal, informal and non formal contexts.
4. Guidelines for the accreditation of organizations  carrying out Expertise Checkup and training addressed to EXEMs

The consortium is composed by one University, one Chamber of Commerce, two VET providers, three organizations of public interest promoting energy efficiency, one consultancy:

  • Enaip Toscana Formazione e Lavoro
  • Agenzia Fiorentina per L’Ambiante
  • Eneregetická agentura Vysočiny
  • Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovaçã – Consultadoria Empresarial
  • Institute for Training of Personnel in International Organization
  • Energeiako Grafeio Kyprion Politon
  • Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, Centrul CAMIS
  • Oviedo Chamber of Commerce


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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