Circular Economy

Circular Economy is a new hot and important concept. If you want to learn more, please join our free courses here. Think Circular, think Green!

Welding technologies

Free vocational training course on Welding Technologies available at our Learning Management System.  

Augmented Reality


Want to use Augmented Reality in your activity? We have the perfect FREE course for you! Available in English, Romanian, Icelandic and Lithuanian languages. 

3D Printing

If you need to learn more about 3D printing technologies, you can register for our free 3DPrinting courses.

Our staff

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Key staff members include:

Catalin Gheorghe Amza

Director of CAMIS center

Catalin is a professor with the University Politehnica of Bucharest. He was and is involved in several research and development projects, including Long Life Learning Projects. He studied for his Masters and PhD degree in United Kingdom, De Montfort University, Leicester where he combined ICT technologies in industrial applications. His expertise and skills consists of:
- Good management expertise including managing EU projects

- External evaluator/reviewer for various national and international research programmes and Journals
- E-learning experience, including certified online trainer and teaching E-learning technologies to students and to various Associations as informal training;
- Additive manufacturing (3D printing)
- Augmented Reality experience
- Design technologies teaching experience and skills (teaching CAD/CAM concepts to students, certified CAD trainer/tester for ECDL and ECDL CAD programme)
- author of 6 books in the area of CAD/CAM technologies and design
- Communications skills; masters the English language


Gheorghe Amza 

 Gheorghe is a voluntary consultant for the CAMIS center. He was the founder of the CAMIS research center in 1993 (and director of the center for over 20 years since 2013). Among his skills and experience, one can mention:
- Good management expertise (including Human Resources – Dean and manager of several EU projects)
- CAD/CAM expertise
- Internal and external evaluation skills
- Excellent administrative skills
- Previous National & European projects experience - he was the manager of 10 National research projects and of 5 European co-funded projects (including 2 Leonardo da Vinci projects).


Gabriel Dan Tasca 


Gabriel is a lecturer in the area of CAD/CAM and ICT technologies applied to Industrial Applications. His area of interest ranges from CAD/CAM technologies, innovation and creativity in research to programming and e-learning environments. He was successfully involved in the LLL Leonardo da Vinci euCAD project (2008-2010).


Cicic Dumitru Titi

Titi is an associate professor and researcher in the area of welding technologies. He holds a PhD in the area of repairing technologies through welding, a certificate in Ultrasound Non-destructive testing. He was and is currently involved in LongLife learning projects.


Constantin Radu 


Constantin is a lecturer at University Politehnica of Bucharest. His main expertise consists of teaching Technology and Design concepts to students with the accent on CAD/CAM technologies and 3D design and modelling. He is author and co-author of 3 books in this area. He is a certified CAD trainer/tester for ECDLTM CAD programme and he is was actively involved in previous European projects, including the CECA and euCAD project mentioned above.


Dan Florin Nitoi


Dan is an associate professor with the Materials Technology and Welding Department. His areas of interest lies within the testing of materials, materials technologies and ultrasonic motors. He was involved in several research and development projects. he also teaches Modeling and Simulation (FEM) courses to 3rd year engineering students.

Corneliu Rontescu 

 Corneliu, an associate professore, holds a PhD in the welding technologies and he is a specialist in automation of welding processes; he is a lecturer delivering Welding Technologies courses to engineering students and he is a keen specialist of CAD software.


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Our Vision

vision Our long term vision vision is that our research and innovation activities will contribute to solutions for some of nowadays industrial problems, leading to Industry 4.0 successfull worldwide implementation.


Our latest projects



Our location

our location

Our offices are located in  the center of Bucharest, Romania. Please click on the above link for more details.