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Transfer of Best –Practice & Innovation in CAD for Logistics

Project summary

Innovation is the engine that directly contributes to the prosperity and individual and collective welfare. The main policy objective of the research and technological development of the European Union is to foster a knowledge economy in the foreground. From this perspective the companies must learn to manage innovation, not only to better implement new technologies, but to develop an innovative attitude in all  areas of the organization, and through it improve production processes, making them a more efficient structure, bringing to market new products or services closer to their end customers, and become more competitive.The design is a key way for  the development of innovation in enterprises, and it is through the company creates products, communications, offers its image and brand, and, ultimately, is in the market. A key business for the LogiCAD partners is the logistics, and in this industry the goal is to innovate design activities and management of material flows from its origin to their final destination, and the optimization of the logistics chain in ICT, and much more.                         .

The LogiCAD Project

LogiCAD is a practical project in the field of vocational  education and training concerning logistics operations in the frame of Leonardo da Vinci Programme. Activities  range from giving individuals work-related training to large-scale co-operation efforts.   The LogiCAD project is thus aimed at facilitating transfer of best practices and innovation generated within the LongLife Learning Leonardo da Vinci project "euCAD"  ( to professionals and other stakeholders working in the Logistics sector.


LogiCAD Target audience

Experts will be able to benefit from vocational training of 2D CAD and 3D CAD. They will apply the new experiences in their daily work. CAD training can enhance the creativity and extend the skills of logistics operators in storage and distribution processes.  Supporting their activity they will achieve better competitiveness making logistic operations more efficient, and thus more environmentally friendly, financially and socially sustainable on the long term.  CAD application in logistics can contribute in the  organisation of supply chains and warehousing systems as well as in the field of the stock management.


LogiCAD partnership aims to develop into innovation, new technologies in the design, 2D and 3D CAD tools, ongoing training in the workplace, and the transfer and know-how amplifying euCAD Skills Project for European SMEs in Computer Aided Industrial Design, the logistics sector in innovative e-learning methodologies.


Logicad partnership consists of 6 partners coming both from 5 EU Member States. In terms of expertise, the consortium consists of some partners with experience in 2D & 3D Computer Aided Design and Geometric Modeling, whilst others are involved teaching and also research in the Logistical sector. They are shown below, further  information and contact details can be found on the website shown.

ITA Aragon Institute of Technology, Spain
University Politehnica of Bucharest, CAMIS Centre, Romania
MACDAC Engineering Consultancy Bureau Ltd., Malta
Hungarian Logistics Association, Hungary
Tecnalia Research & Innovation Foundation, Spain
Daugavpils University, Latvia



Leonardo da Vinci Project No:  2012-1-ES1-LEO05-48228

The content in this communication reflects the views only of the LogiCAD consortium partners and the EU Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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