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Drivers & Active NeTwork for European Citizenship in Vocational Education and Training




The DANTE project emerges as a necessary approach to overcome the current distance between politicians in Brussels and European citizens and promote active and participatory citizenship based on the development of digital competencies and social and civic competence through the exchange of best practices based on an increased access to Open Education Resources & Social Media.
The partners decided to work on the field of active and participatory citizenship because the future of the European Union means major changes for European citizens. An important part of this is a bottom-up strategy, hence key skills such as ICT and entrepreneurship need to be at the heart of their professional education and training.
Nowadays technological changes and development offer unprecedented opportunities in education and training, reducing social barriers through a leverage effect. Individuals can learn anywhere, at any time, following flexible and individualized pathways based on their citizen’s rights.

Teachers, trainers and other target groups will discover, through the DANTE project, how to create and use educational apps by improving their ICT skills. The handbook and guidelines will provide them with the basics of creating simple apps for their classrooms extracted from the Social media environment or free OER that can be used or accessed on a device, like iPads, android tablets, laptops, smartphones etc.  The added value is based on scaling up the use of ICT learning and access to free  OER as well as a transfer that can be done from young citizens 35 to 50+citizens. The consortium is composed of universities, colleges, NGO,s and a Chamber of Commerce, hence we benefit from diverse perspectives on the matter as well as the soft & technical competences to create a valuable VET input.


  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bistrita Nasaud (Romania)
  • Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA (Slovenia)
  • Lawton School S.L.(Spain)
  • University Politehnica of Bucharest, CAMIS center (Romania)
  • IONET (Greece)
  • LYTAUS KOLEGIJA University of Applied Sciences ( Lithuania)
  • Faculty of Economics, VSB - Technical University, Ostrava (Czech Republic)
  • Coop. Soc.  Città viva (Italy)



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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