Erasmus+ Project No.598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP (dComFra)Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens (dComFra) |
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The purpose of this project is to improve the Digital Competence (DC) development situation in Ukraine (UA), to harmonize it with the European mainstream by adaptation of the Digital Competence Frameworks for Citizens and for Educators, creation Ukrainian National Digital Coalition (UNDC); to reform in-service training for teachers and to provide “best practices” experiences of how DC could be further developed in general and adapted to the challenges of the Higher Education sector within society at large. The motivation for this comes from the goal set by the European Commission in Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, DigComp frameworks and the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE).
The project aims to establish an effective UNDC network amongst UA educational institutions, associations, public authorities, business representatives; to design and implement UA DC frameworks; to make recommendations for modifying DC studies curriculum according to the DAE and modern labour market needs; to create DC trainings for teachers and for citizens; to provide high-quality DC trainings for various social strata of society.
To achieve the project goals, the following activities will be implemented:
EU DigComp frameworks analysis will be done;
Elaborating DC needs analysis report for UA will be conducted;
Concept, structure, and facilities of dComFra will be designed and implemented;
DC offices & DC e-Platform and 14 learning modules for different citizens groups and educators with practical tasks will be developed;
To improve DC for target groups the pilot trainings for 210 Teachers/140 refugees&ATO-veterans will be conducted;
Different workshops, events, etc. for target groups and wide society will be organized by UA partners for better awareness raising. UNDC will be launched for better influence;
Project outcomes and results will be delivered with various dissemination channels including professional societies, stakeholders of UNDC and project conference on DC in UA.
For more information, please visit the dComFra project website.