The BOOST-AI project, funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ program, is a visionary initiative aiming to equip higher education students and small/ medium enterprises (SMEs) with technological and in line with sustainability skills that will allow them to thrive in the emerging Industry 5.0 landscape.
The project focuses on successfully integrating AI into sustainable entrepreneurship and leveraging innovation and collaboration to address modern industrial challenges. Its main goal is the development of an advanced curriculum combining AI with sustainable business strategies, supported by open-access training materials, case studies, and a dedicated online platform to ensure accessibility for a broad audience.
We would like to know your opinion so that we can better understand the skills needed in the higher education (HED) sector and thus develop training tools that match your real current needs.
It only takes 3 minutes to answer this survey, and your opinion is very important to us for the smooth running of the project.
HED staff and academics questionnaire:
HED students questionnaire:
Va multumim pentru colaborare!!!!